
The genuine remains of that learned prelate Dr. Thomas Barlow, late Lord Biſhop of Lincoln. Containing divers diſcourſes theological, philoſophical, hiſtorical, &c. In letters to several perſons of honour and quality. To which is added the reſolution of many abſtruſe points. As alſo directions to a young divine for his study of divinity, and choice of books, &c. With great variety of other subjects

Printed for John Dunton ..., 1693. <YB01536110>

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タイトル / 著者 等 The genuine remains of that learned prelate Dr. Thomas Barlow, late Lord Biſhop of Lincoln. Containing divers diſcourſes theological, philoſophical, hiſtorical, &c. In letters to several perſons of honour and quality. To which is added the reſolution of many abſtruſe points. As alſo directions to a young divine for his study of divinity, and choice of books, &c. With great variety of other subjects
出版・頒布事項 London : Printed for John Dunton ... , 1693
形態 [24], 643, [5] p. ; 18 cm. (8vo)
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 "Publish'd from his Lordship's original papers."
注記 Signatures: A[8] b[4] B-2S[8] 2T[4]; Cc1 signed 'C'
注記 Advertisements on p. [1]-[5] at end
注記 This work is referred to as an unauthorized edition of Barlow's work, edited by P.P., i.e. Peter Pett, in "Reflections to a late book, entituled, The genuine remains of Dr. Tho. Barlow, late Bishop of Lincoln" by Henry Brougham (Wing B4996).--ESTC
注記 Errors in paging: p. 58, 256, 325, 326, 331, 416, 426-427, 430-431, 442, 486-487, 490-491, 494-495, 598 incorrectly numbered 85, 156, 335, 262, 337, 484, 504-505, 508-509, 444, 504-505, 500-501, 486-487, 698 respectively
注記 References: Wing(2nd ed., 1994), B832
注記 References: ESTC R3532
NCID BA72662117
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691 <AU00392795>
著者名リンク Pett, Peter, Sir, 1630-1699 <>
件名 Theology -- History -- 17th century