
The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the Nevv. Newly tranſlated out of the originall tongues, and with the former tranſlations diligently compared and reuiſed: by his Majeſties ſpeciall commandment. Appointed to be read in churches

By Robert Barker ... and by the Aſſignes of Iohn Bill, anno 1631. <YB01537137>

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タイトル / 著者 等 The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the Nevv. Newly tranſlated out of the originall tongues, and with the former tranſlations diligently compared and reuiſed: by his Majeſties ſpeciall commandment. Appointed to be read in churches
出版・頒布事項 Printed at London : By Robert Barker ... and by the Aſſignes of Iohn Bill , anno 1631
形態 [896] p. ; 18 cm. (8vo)
その他のタイトル 異なりアクセスタイトル:The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly tranſlated out of the originall tongues, and with the former tranſlations diligently compared and reuiſed: by his Majeſties ſpeciall commandment. Appointed to be read in churches
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 At foot of title: Cum priuilegio
注記 Signatures: A-3K[8]
注記 Head-pieces; initials; tail-pieces
注記 References: ESTC S124325
注記 References: STC (2nd ed.) 2297.3
注記 Includes marginal notes
注記 Contains Apocrypha
注記 "The New Testament: of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ" (signatures: 2Y4-3K8) has separate dated title page; register is continuous
注記 In this edition, Z1[r] has "...in the creature" and Job xl.8 has "iudgement...me"
注記 Inscription on t.p. verso: John Backwell his Bible Anno Domini 1658
注記 Inscription on p. [896]: Mary Dyer her book
NCID BA72721737
本文言語 英語
統一書名標目リンク *Bible <UN00000057> English
統一書名標目リンク Bible. O.T. Apocrypha <UN00409196> English