
The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641 : with the precedent paſſages, and actions, that contributed thereunto, and the happy end, and concluſion thereof by the King's bleſſed restoration, and return upon the 29th of May, in the year 1660

written by the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon ... ; volume I, part I - volume III, part 2. -- Printed at the Theater, An. dom. 1705-1707. <YB01540261>

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0001 volume I, part I 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes I||62(1) 40696014 貸出不可 0件
0002 volume I, part 2 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes I||62(2) 40696015 貸出不可 0件
0003 volume II, part I 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes I||62(3) 40696016 貸出不可 0件
0004 volume II, part 2 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes I||62(4) 40696017 貸出不可 0件
0005 volume III, part I 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes I||62(5) 40696018 貸出不可 0件
0006 volume III, part 2 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes I||62(6) 40696019 貸出不可 0件
No. 0001
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所蔵館 中央館
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請求記号 Hobbes I||62(1)
資料ID 40696014
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No. 0002
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請求記号 Hobbes I||62(2)
資料ID 40696015
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No. 0003
巻号 volume II, part I
所蔵館 中央館
配置場所 中央貴
請求記号 Hobbes I||62(3)
資料ID 40696016
状態 貸出不可
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No. 0004
巻号 volume II, part 2
所蔵館 中央館
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請求記号 Hobbes I||62(4)
資料ID 40696017
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No. 0005
巻号 volume III, part I
所蔵館 中央館
配置場所 中央貴
請求記号 Hobbes I||62(5)
資料ID 40696018
状態 貸出不可
予約件数 0件
No. 0006
巻号 volume III, part 2
所蔵館 中央館
配置場所 中央貴
請求記号 Hobbes I||62(6)
資料ID 40696019
状態 貸出不可
予約件数 0件


タイトル / 著者 等 The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641 : with the precedent paſſages, and actions, that contributed thereunto, and the happy end, and concluſion thereof by the King's bleſſed restoration, and return upon the 29th of May, in the year 1660 / written by the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon ...
出版・頒布事項 Oxford : Printed at the Theater, An. dom. 1705-1707
形態 6 v. : ports ; 20 cm. (8vo)
巻次等 volume I, part I
巻次等 volume I, part 2
巻次等 volume II, part I
巻次等 volume II, part 2
巻次等 volume III, part I
巻次等 volume III, part 2
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 With half-t.p. to pt. 1 of each volume
注記 Each volume is in two parts, and each part has its own titlepage
注記 "Imprimatur, Ro. Mander, Vice-Can. Oxen. Apr. 29. 1702" (v. 1, pt. 1 on t.p. verso); "Imprimatur, Guil. Delaune, Vice-Can. Oxen. Sept. 15. 1703" (v. 2, pt. 1 on t.p. verso)
注記 Signatures: v. 1, pt. 1: pi1 a[8](-a3) b[8] A-S[8]; v. 1, pt. 2: pi1 T-2Y[8]; v. 2, pt. : pi1 A-2F[8] 2G[8](-2G7, 8); v. 2, pt. 2: pi2 2H-2U[8] 2X[8](±2X2, 2X3) 2Y-3B[8]; v. 3, pt. 1: pi[2] A[8](-A1) B-Z[8] 2A[8](-2A8); v. 3, pt. 2: pi1 2B-3H[8] 3I[2]
注記 Each volume divided into 2 parts; paged continuously
注記 References: ESTC T53941(v.1 pt. 1), ESTC T53943 (v.1 pt. 2-v.3 pt. 2)
注記 References: Roebuck, G. Clarendon and cultural continuity, 106A (v.1 pt. 1), 106D (v.1 pt. 2-v.3 pt. 2)
注記 v. 1 ([6], xxv, 288 ; [2], 289-720 p.) -- v. 2 ([12]., 466 ; [2], 467-753, [1] p.) -- v. 3 ([18], 364, [2] ; [2], 365-773, [75] p.); each part has 1 leaf of port
注記 Includes index on p. [1]-[73] at end (v. 3, pt. 2)
NCID BA72913862
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 1609-1674 <AU00154976>
件名 Great Britain -- History -- Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660