
A view of some exceptions to the practicall catechiſme: from the cenſures affixt on them by the miniſters of London, in a book entituled, A teſtimony to the truth of Jeſus Chriſt, &c.

by H. Hammond D.D.. -- Printed for Rich, [1650]. <YB01552408>

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本文へのリンク http://wwwlib.umi.com/eebo/image/102873
タイトル / 著者 等 A view of some exceptions to the practicall catechiſme: from the cenſures affixt on them by the miniſters of London, in a book entituled, A teſtimony to the truth of Jeſus Chriſt, &c. / by H. Hammond D.D.
出版・頒布事項 London : Printed for Rich: Royſton ... , [1650]
形態 10 [i.e. 12] p. ; 20 cm. (4to)
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 Title vignette; head-piece, initial.
注記 Error in paging: no. 2-3 and 6-7 repeated; 4-5 omitted
注記 Date of publication suggested by Wing
注記 Signatures: A[4] B[2]
注記 References: Wing (2nd ed., 1994), H611
注記 References: ESTC R34933
NCID BA73181839
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660 <AU00397507>
件名 Church of England -- Apologetic works
件名 Dissenters, Religious -- Controversial literature
件名 Theology, Doctrinal