
The hereditary right of the crown of England asserted; the history of the succession ſince the Conquest clear'd; and the true Engliſh constitution vindicated from the misrepresentations of Dr. Higden's View and Defence. Wherein some mistakes alſo of our common historians are rectify'd; and ſeveral particulars relating to the succeſſion, and to the title of the Houſe of Suffolk, are now firſt publiſh'd from ancient records and original MSS; together with an authentick copy of King Henry VIII.'s will

by a gentleman. -- Printed by G. James, for Richard Smith ..., 1713. <YB01552549>

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0001 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes I||118 40696083 貸出不可 0件
No. 0001
所蔵館 中央館
配置場所 中央貴
請求記号 Hobbes I||118
資料ID 40696083
状態 貸出不可
予約件数 0件


タイトル / 著者 等 The hereditary right of the crown of England asserted; the history of the succession ſince the Conquest clear'd; and the true Engliſh constitution vindicated from the misrepresentations of Dr. Higden's View and Defence. Wherein some mistakes alſo of our common historians are rectify'd; and ſeveral particulars relating to the succeſſion, and to the title of the Houſe of Suffolk, are now firſt publiſh'd from ancient records and original MSS; together with an authentick copy of King Henry VIII.'s will / by a gentleman
出版・頒布事項 London : Printed by G. James, for Richard Smith ... , 1713
形態 [8], 274, lxiii, [5] p. ; 33 cm. (fol.)
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 By a gentleman = Rev. George Harbin. Cf. Halkett & Laing
注記 Sometimes also attributed to Hilkiah Bedford, who probably edited it and saw it through the press, and erroneously to Charles Leslie. --ESTC
注記 Head- and tail-pieces; factotums, initial; printed marginalia
注記 In response to William Higden's “A view of the English constitution", and his “A defence of the View of the English constitution"
注記 With five final advertisement pages at end
注記 Title within double-ruled border
注記 Includes bibliographical footnotes
注記 Errata at foot of leaf [b]1v
注記 The final appendix has separate pagination and register
注記 Signatures: pi[2] (-pi1) a[2](a bracketed) [b][2] (-[b]2; b bracketed) B-3Z[2] 4A[2] (-4A2); a-r[2]
注記 References: ESTC T151928
注記 References: Halkett, S. Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous English literature (1926-62 edition), v. 3, p. 30
注記 References: Morgan, W.T. Bibliography of British history (1700-1715), P276
注記 References: Catalogue of British and American book plates bequeathed to the Trustees of the British Museum by Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks, v. 1, p. 450
注記 Bookplate on front pastedown: Sr: Robert Grosvenor, of Eaton-Hall,… Bart. [Franks 12970]
NCID BA73187711
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Harbin, George, 18th cent <>
著者名リンク Bedford, Hilkiah, 1663-1724 <AU00450511>
分類 LCC:JN357
件名 Higden, William, 1662 or 3-1715. View of the English constitution
件名 Higden, William, 1662 or 3-1715. Defence of the View of the English constitution
件名 Great Britain -- Kings and rulers -- Succession