
Mathematical collections and translations. The first tome. The first part; containing, I. Galileus Galileus his system of the world. II. Galileus, his epistle to the Grand Dutchesse Mother concerning the authority of sacred scripture in philoſophical controverſies. III. Johannes Keplerus his reconcilings of Scripture texts, &c. IV. Didacus à Stunica his reconcilings of Scripture texts, &c. V. P.A. Foscarinus, his epiſtle to Father Fantonus, reconciling the authority of Scripture, and judgments of divines alledged againſt &c.

by Thomas Salusbury, esq. -- Printed by William Leybourne, 1661. <YB01567877>

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タイトル / 著者 等 Mathematical collections and translations. The first tome. The first part; containing, I. Galileus Galileus his system of the world. II. Galileus, his epistle to the Grand Dutchesse Mother concerning the authority of sacred scripture in philoſophical controverſies. III. Johannes Keplerus his reconcilings of Scripture texts, &c. IV. Didacus à Stunica his reconcilings of Scripture texts, &c. V. P.A. Foscarinus, his epiſtle to Father Fantonus, reconciling the authority of Scripture, and judgments of divines alledged againſt &c. / by Thomas Salusbury, esq
出版・頒布事項 London : Printed by William Leybourne , 1661
形態 2 pts. in 1 : ill. ; 34 cm. (fol.)
その他のタイトル その他のタイトル:Mathematical collections and translations: in two tomes
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 Half-title: Mathematical collections and translations: in two tomes
注記 The title page is a cancel; cancellandum lacks "In two parts".
注記 Part 1: [18], 503, [25] p., [4] folded leaves of plates; pt. 2: [14], 118, [6] p.
注記 Head- and tail-pieces; factotum initials; initials
注記 "The systeme of the world" and "The ancient and modern doctrine of holy fathers and iudicious divines", both by Galileo, and "An epistle of the Reverend Father Palolo Antonio Foscarini, ... concerning the Pythagorian and Copernican opinion of the mobility of the earth, and stability of the sun" each have separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous.
注記 "Mathematical collections and translations: the second [sic] tome. The second part" has separate dated title page and pagination; register is continuous. This is actually the second part of the first tome.
注記 "Of the mensuration of running waters" has separate dated title page and pagination; register is continuous. It is translation of: Castelli, Benedetto. Della misura dell'acque correnti.
注記 Imprimatur on leaf 3R4v at end of part 1: Imprimatur, P. Ant. Ghibert, Vic. Gen. Joannes Longus Can. & Cur. Archiep. Neap. Theol. Vidit.
注記 "The second tome. The second part" should read "The first tome. The second part."
注記 "Errata of the second part of the first tome." on [paragraph]5
注記 Includes indexes; The first index, which covers all of part 1, is bound at the end of part 1
注記 Errors in paging: no. 73, 149, 263, 290, 307, 354, 372 (pt. 1), 15, 39, 114 (pt. 2) misnumbered 74, 143, 261, 274, 230, 345, 368, 17, 37, 432
注記 Signatures: pi[2] *[4][-*1] ; [2]*[4](-[2]*1) A-3R[4] ; [2]3H-3I[2] ; 3V-3Z[2] 4A[2] [paragraph][6](-[paragraph]6) 4B-4Q[4] 4R[2] ; Leaf [2]*4 missigned *3; [paragraph]1 missigned [paragraph]5.
注記 References: ESTC R19153; Wing (2nd ed., 1994), S517
注記 Library's copy: photoreproduction of "The Errata of the first part of the first tome" inserted after the contents
NCID BA74008308
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Salusbury, Thomas <AU00461074>
著者名リンク Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642 <AU00023815>
著者名リンク Kepler, Johannes, 1571-1630 <AU00040970>
著者名リンク Lopez de Zuñiga, Diego, 16th cent <>
著者名リンク Foscarini, Paolo Antonio, ca. 1565-1616 <AU00190555>
著者名リンク Castelli, Benedetto, 1577 or 8-1643 <AU00461075>
著者名リンク Corsini, Ottavio, 1592-1642 <>
分類 LCC:Q155
件名 Science -- Early works to 1800
件名 Solar system -- Early works to 1800
件名 Bible and science
件名 Stream measurements
件名 Reclamation of land