
The elements of geometrie of the moſt auncient philoſopher Evclide of Megara

faithfully (now first) tranſlated into the Engliſhe toung, by H. Billingſley, citizen of London. Whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inuentions, of the best mathematiciens, both of time past, and in this our age. With a very fruitfull præface made by M.I. Dee .... -- By Iohn Daye, [1570]. <YB01577070>

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0001 中央館 中央貴 Hobbes II||A 3 40729274 貸出不可 0件
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タイトル / 著者 等 The elements of geometrie of the moſt auncient philoſopher Evclide of Megara / faithfully (now first) tranſlated into the Engliſhe toung, by H. Billingſley, citizen of London. Whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inuentions, of the best mathematiciens, both of time past, and in this our age. With a very fruitfull præface made by M.I. Dee ...
出版・頒布事項 Imprinted at London : By Iohn Daye , [1570]
形態 [28], 115, 117-203, 205-464 leaves, [1] folded leaf of plates : ill. ; 32 cm. (fol.)
その他のタイトル 異なりアクセスタイトル:The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 Date of publication from colophon
注記 Initials and tail-pieces
注記 Printer's device (McKerrow, 145) on colophon
注記 "The sixtenth booke of the Elementes of geometrie, added by Flussas": leaves 445v-464r
注記 Colophon reads: At London printed by Iohn Daye, dvvelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Saint Martins. These bookes are to be solde at his shop vnder the gate. 1570
注記 Book 11 has folding figures intended to be pasted at one edge over the illustrations.
注記 "Variant: these bifolia are still intact and bound with book."--ESTC
注記 Errors in foliation: leaf 111 repeated; leaves 116 and 204 omitted; 79, 140, 151, 223, 243, 320-321, 322, 355-356, 370, 371, 379, 432, 440 misnumbered 77, 134, 152, 232, 233, 340-341, 327, 352-353, 371, 374, 372, 431, 460 respectively
注記 Errata on leaf 463 verso and 464 recto
注記 Signatures: [fist][4] *[4] a-d[4] A-X[4] Aa-Yy[6] AA-YY[6] AAa-FFf[6] GGg-YYy[4] AAA-EEE[4](E4 blank)
注記 References: STC (2nd ed.), 10560
注記 References: ESTC S106699
注記 References: Luborsky & Ingram. Engl. illustrated books 1536-1603, no.10560
注記 References: Thomas-Stanford, C. Early eds. of Euclid's Elements, 41
注記 Armorial bookplate on front pastedown
NCID BA74218355
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Euclid <AU00031809>
著者名リンク Billingsley, Henry, Sir, d. 1606 <>
著者名リンク Dee, John, 1527-1608 <AU00092600>
著者名リンク Candale, François de Foix, comte de, 1502-1594 <>
統一書名標目リンク Elements <> English
分類 LCC:QA31
件名 Geometry -- Early works to 1800
件名 Mathematics, Greek
件名 Classification of sciences -- Early works to 1800