
Mr. O'Leary's defence; containing a vindication of his conduct and writings during the late disturbance in Munster. With a full justification of the Catholics, and an account of the risings of the White-boys. In answer to the false accusations of Theophilus, and the ill-grounded insinuations of the Right Reverend Doctor Woodward, Lord Bishop of Cloyne

Printed by P. Byrne ..., 1787. <YB03476286>

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0001 2017/3/1 中央館 中央貴 Mizuta||2148 41629727 貸出不可 0件
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受付日 2017/3/1
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資料ID 41629727
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タイトル / 著者 等 Mr. O'Leary's defence; containing a vindication of his conduct and writings during the late disturbance in Munster. With a full justification of the Catholics, and an account of the risings of the White-boys. In answer to the false accusations of Theophilus, and the ill-grounded insinuations of the Right Reverend Doctor Woodward, Lord Bishop of Cloyne
出版・頒布事項 Dublin : Printed by P. Byrne ... , 1787
形態 ix, [2], 12-112, 115-175, [3] p. ; 21 cm. (8vo in 4s)
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 An answer to P. Duigenan's 'An address to the nobility and gentry'
注記 Signatures: A-Y[4]
注記 Pages 113-114 omitted in pagination but text and register are continuous
注記 Date in the imprint reads "M.DCC.LXXX VII"
注記 References: ESTC T33117
注記 With a final advertisement leaf
注記 Errata on verso of t.p
注記 Blind stamp on p. 17 and p. 87: Patrick J. Gormley, Carnanbane, Claudy, Co. Derry
注記 End of line 12 on t.p. reads “White-boys."
NCID BB2313837X
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *O'Leary, Arthur, 1729-1802 <AU01076268>
件名 Duigenan, Patrick, 1735-1816
件名 Woodward, Richard, 1726-1794
件名 Catholic Church -- Ireland
件名 Munster (Ireland) -- History
件名 Penal laws (against nonconformists) -- Ireland