
The compleat copy-holder, wherein is contained a learned discourse of the antiquity and nature of mannors and copy-holds: being a guide and direction for surrenders, preſentments, admittances, forfeitures, cuſtomes, &c

by Sir Edward Coke Knight. Whereunto is newly added The relation between the lord of a mannor and the copy-holder his tenant: by that worthy lawyer Charles Calthrop of Lincolnes-Innes Eſquire. Together, with The forme of keeping of a copy-hold court and court baron: alſo, two tables newly added. -- Printed for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman ..., 1650. <YB01542799>

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タイトル / 著者 等 The compleat copy-holder, wherein is contained a learned discourse of the antiquity and nature of mannors and copy-holds: being a guide and direction for surrenders, preſentments, admittances, forfeitures, cuſtomes, &c / by Sir Edward Coke Knight. Whereunto is newly added The relation between the lord of a mannor and the copy-holder his tenant: by that worthy lawyer Charles Calthrop of Lincolnes-Innes Eſquire. Together, with The forme of keeping of a copy-hold court and court baron: alſo, two tables newly added
出版・頒布事項 London : Printed for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman ... , 1650
形態 [8], 179, [3], 76, [6], 51, [1] p. ; 19 cm. (4to)
内容 The relation between the lord of a mannor and the copy-holder his tenant
内容 The order of keeping of a court leet, and court baron
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 Head-pieces, initials
注記 "The relation between the lord of the mannor and the copy-holder his tenant .. second edition .." has special t.p. and separate pagination and register
注記 "The order of keeping a court leet and court baron .." has special t.p. and separate pagination and register
注記 Errors in pagination: 60, 61, 64 and 65 (2nd group), 6, 7, 9 and 13 (4th group) repeated in numbering; 58, 59, 62 and 63, 4, 5, 11 and 15 omitted in numbering
注記 Signatures: A-Z[4] 2A[2]; [2]A-K[4]; [3]A-F[4] G[4]; [3]A3 signed L3
注記 References: ESTC R893
注記 References: Wing (2nd ed., 1994), C4914
注記 References: Goldsmiths-Kress Library of Economic Literature, no. 1155
NCID BA72977901
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634 <AU00094374>
著者名リンク Calthrope, Charles, Sir, d. 1616 <AU00094299>
件名 Manors -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800
件名 Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain
件名 Copyhol -- Early works to 1800