
Natural religion inſufficient; and reveal'd neceſſary to man's happiness in his preſent state: or, A rational enquiry into the principles of the modern deiſts: wherein is largely diſcovered their utter inſufficiency to anſwer the great ends of religion, and the weakneſs of their pleadings for the sufficiency of nature's light to eternal happineſs; and particularly the writings of the learn'd Lord Herbert, the great patron of deiſm, to wit, his books De veritate, De religione gentilium, and his Religio laici, in ſo far as they aſſert Nature' s lightable to conduct us to future bleſſedneſs, are conſider'd, and fully answer'd: to which treatiſe are annex'd ſeveral eſſays upon other subjects

by the late reverend Mr. Thomas Halyburton ... -- Printed by the heirs and succeſſors of Andrew Anderſon, 1714. <YB01548454>

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タイトル / 著者 等 Natural religion inſufficient; and reveal'd neceſſary to man's happiness in his preſent state: or, A rational enquiry into the principles of the modern deiſts: wherein is largely diſcovered their utter inſufficiency to anſwer the great ends of religion, and the weakneſs of their pleadings for the sufficiency of nature's light to eternal happineſs; and particularly the writings of the learn'd Lord Herbert, the great patron of deiſm, to wit, his books De veritate, De religione gentilium, and his Religio laici, in ſo far as they aſſert Nature' s lightable to conduct us to future bleſſedneſs, are conſider'd, and fully answer'd: to which treatiſe are annex'd ſeveral eſſays upon other subjects / by the late reverend Mr. Thomas Halyburton ..
出版・頒布事項 Edinburgh : Printed by the heirs and succeſſors of Andrew Anderſon , 1714
形態 [8], 32, 232, 104, [2], 105-163, 31, [3] p. ; 21 cm. (4to)
その他のタイトル 異なりアクセスタイトル:Oratio inauguralis habita Andreapoli
その他のタイトル 異なりアクセスタイトル:An essay concerning the nature of faith
注記 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
注記 Initial
注記 Pref. signed: Ja. Hog
注記 "Oratio inauguralis habita Andreapoli ..." by A. Pitcarnio, has a separate special t.p.
注記 Chap. XIV-XX: p. 1-104 (4th group)
注記 "An essay concerning the nature of faith, or, the ground upon which faith assents to the scriptures; ..." (5th and 6th group) has special t.p.
注記 "A modest enquiry whether regeneration or justification has the precedency in order of nature.": p. 1-18 (7th group)
注記 "An enquiry into the nature of God's act of justification.": p. 19-31 (7th group)
注記 Errors in paging: p. 48 (4th group) misnumbered 47; p. 152 (6th group) misnumbered 151, and the error is continued.
注記 With a final errata leaf
注記 Signatures: pi[4] [paragraph]-4[paragraph][4] A-Z[4]; [2]A-F[4]([2]A-F[4] bracketed [A][B][C][D][E][F]) 2A-N[4] chi1 2O-U[4] 2X[2]; [3]A-C[4] [3]A-C[4] D[4] (D4+chi1)
注記 References: ESTC T101442
NCID BA73170082
本文言語 英語
著者名リンク *Halyburton, Thomas, 1674-1712 <AU01014094>
著者名リンク Hog, James 1658?-1734 <>
分類 LCC:BT1180
件名 Deism -- Controversial literature
件名 Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648